Flightless Bird Painting

Work of a wandering artist. Reminiscence of a painting titled “Flightless Bird.” This painter is said have captured the landscapes seen during the last moments of those welcomed into death’s embrace. The soul of the painter, and vestiges of the dead’s last moments can be discovered by visiting the location depicted even now.

Found in the Fortified Manor (a version of Roundtable Hold) in Leyndell, Royal Capital — see Part 4 of Leyndell walkthrough for details on acquiring.

fortified manor roundtable og elden ring

Note: In order to find the painter ghost, you’ll need to have first found and inspected the painting.

You can find the ghost of the painter sitting in a chair southeast of the Windmill Heights site of grace on the Altus Plateau — approaching his hiding spot will cause the spirit to appear and then dissipate, leaving behind the Fire’s Deadly Sin incantation.

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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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