ESO: Nightblade Archer Build

ESO Nightblade Archer Featured

Build an ESO Nightblade Archer for devastating DPS

  • Use a bow as a primary weapon (of course”¦ duh!)
  • You have a vast array of crowd control and damage over time abilities – use them!
  • When the enemy gets close, switch to the secondary spec – dual daggers
  • On PvP, kite your enemies with devastating long range attacks, using slows, stuns, poisons and your brain! When the enemy gets to you he should be low, pull out the daggers and melt him down with reaper’s mark, shadowy disguise and ambush.
  • Shadowy Disguise gives you 100% crit: that counts towards bow damage too, so let it reap!

RELATED: Playing A Nightblade In The Elder Scrolls Online

eso nightblade archer

Practice the following with friends: Kiting, Dueling, Getting in and out of combat quickly (damage over time – engage – daggers – damage – stun / stealth – pull back – repeat).

The Nightblade Archer requires a bit of practice for PvP purposes – you’ll have to melt the enemy from the distance, get in, damage him, get out, rinse and repeat. This combat technique can cause quite the confusion and damage the enemy to pieces.

It’s quite a shock and awe tactic!

MUST READ: The Best Elder Scrolls Online Character Class

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Rui C.
Rui C.

Rui is the founder of, an informational website focused solely on The Elder Scrolls Online. Rui's extensive travels throughout Tamriel make him uniquely qualified to write about this brilliant MMORPG.

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