If you’re familiar with The Elder Scrolls franchise, you’ve more than likely run across M’aiq the Liar at one time or another, a wayfaring Khajiit with a penchant for small talk. Depending on your point of view, his comments are either witty or irritating. So what’s up with M’aiq the Liar? Is he an important game character, and does he serve any real purpose?
M’aiq the Liar: His Appearances
M’aiq the Liar made his very first appearance in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. He has since appeared in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and The Elder Scrolls Online. M’aiq the Liar isn’t immortal — it’s understood that players are interacting with different descendants in the games. In Skyrim we’re told that M’aiq’s father and his grandfather also had the same name.
Rumor: It’s rumored that M’aiq the Liar is named after former Bethesda writer and designer, Mike Kirkbride.
M’aiq the Liar: His Location
In Morrowind, M’aiq the Liar is a stationary character who can be found on a small island northwest of Dagon Fel. In the other games, M’aiq is a rolling stone moving from place to place. You’ll never know where you’ll find him, but M’aiq is unmistakable in his hooded robe. The best way to run across M’aiq is to travel overland and avoid fast travel.
M’aiq the Liar in Morrowind.M’aiq the Liar in Oblivion.M’aiq the Liar in Skyrim.M’aiq the Liar in The Elder Scrolls Online.
M’aiq the Liar: His Purpose
In Morrowind, M’aiq the Liar was basically just that — a liar. The character provides a treasure trove of misinformation to befuddle players, often to comedic effect.
In subsequent Elder Scrolls appearances, M’aiq is an Easter Egg. His appearances are a clever way for the game developers to have fun with fans, providing insight about The Elder Scrolls and telling inside jokes. For example, when he says: M’aiq does not remember his childhood, perhaps he never had one, it’s is a tongue-in-cheek jab at the lack of Khajiit children in Skyrim.
M’aiq the Liar: Sample Quotes
Dragons? Oh, they’re everywhere! You must fly very high to see most of them, though. The ones nearer the ground are very hard to see, being invisible.
There is no mystery. M’aiq knows all. The dwarves were here, and now they are not! They were very short folk… Or perhaps they were not. It all depends on your perspective. I’m sure they thought they were about the right height.
You wish to become a lich? It’s very easy, my friend. Simply find the heart of a lich, combine it with the tongue of a dragon, and cook it with the flesh of a well-ridden horse. This combination is certain to make you undead.
I do not wish to fight on horseback. It is a good way to ruin a perfectly good horse… which is, to say, a perfectly good dinner. Pokes fun at not being able to fight on horseback.
M’aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk. Pokes fun at lack of multi-player.
M’aiq longs for a Colovian Fur Helm. Practical, yet stylish. M’aiq is very sad he does not have one. A jest regarding the hat M’aiq wore in Morrowind.
M’aiq has heard that the people of Skyrim are better looking than the ones in Cyrodiil. He has no opinion on the matter. All people are beautiful to him. A nod to the improved graphics in Skyrim.
M’aiq is very practical. He has no need for mysticism. Pokes fun at the lack of Oblivion’s Mysticism spells in Skyrim.
M’aiq has heard it is dangerous to be your friend. A reference to being able to recruit friends as Followers.
The Elder Scrolls Online
M’aiq has never seen so many Orcs in one place. Even their forges have forges. A reference to the Daggerfall Covenant.
The Elves here have so many titles, all of them fancy. M’aiq prefers a simple one. A reference to the ability to achieve a title in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Final Thoughts
In the end, M’aiq the Liar shouldn’t be taken too seriously. His comments are for the most part jests — inside jokes with a smattering of whimsical information for Elder Scrolls fans. Simply have fun with M’aiq as the game developers intended, and whatever you do, don’t listen to any of his stock tips. He is a liar after all 🙂
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.