As any kid that got his kicks playing NES side scrolling games from the 80’s can tell you, the “boss” has been a staple of video games since time immemorial. After progressing through various fights, players would undoubtedly have a final face-off with a nasty baddie. Beat the boss and progress to the next level. Yep — it’s that simple, and that fun.
Child of Bones
Boss fans rejoice! The Elder Scrolls Online has drawn on this classic video game staple, and gives players a wicked-cool boss in the opening stages of the game. After players make their way through the Wailing Prison, gearing up for the final escape from Coldharbour, Molag Bal throws a boss named the Child of Bones in their wake.
The Child of Bones is the Anchor Guardian players must defeat in order to make it home to Tamriel. As you can see from the following pictures, this gigantic creature is a nasty amalgamation of skeletal bones. The monster’s shoulders are entire skeletons, and the creature really is a shambling horror.
To truly gain an appreciation for the Child of Bones, you have to remember that the creature didn’t make its gruesome appearance in the earliest beta tests. In the first beta, there wasn’t even a boss to defeat before your escape from Coldharbour. That changed in subsequent betas with the introduction of a snake-like Medusa creature that really didn’t pack the same visual punch as the Wes Craven-esque Child of Bones.
Final Thoughts
As an Elder Scrolls and Skyrim fan, I’ve always appreciated the variety of monsters available to contend with. If the Child of Bones is a forerunner of the creatures gamers will confront in The Elder Scrolls Online, then the ESO bestiary is going to be spectacular.
So what do you think? Do you like the Child of Bones? If not, how would you script the final stage of The Elder Scrolls Online opening sequence? Share your ideas and opinions in the Speak Your Mind section below, and don’t forget to send us your game screen shots. We’ll publish your pictures and videos in the Skyrim Fansite’s fan pages section. Until next time fellow travelers!
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.