If you participated in one of the earlier Elder Scrolls Online beta stress tests, you were awarded a free monkey vanity pet to activate on game launch (to learn more about the monkey, please read my earlier article Beta Test ESO and Get a Free Monkey!).
Activate Your Free Monkey In The Elder Scrolls Online
A free monkey is a good thing, but if you want your little critter to scamper along beside you on your Elder Scrolls Online adventure, you’re going to need to activate him. Here then is how to do it:
Press the “C” key to bring up your character menu.
Click on the envelope icon in the upper toolbar to bring up your Mail.
If you received a free monkey from the beta, you’ll have a piece of mail entitled Imgakin Vanity Pet.
Click on this piece of mail.
Press the “E” key to accept the monkey.
Press the “I” key to bring up your character’s inventory.
Click on the double-box icon in the Inventory display to bring up Miscellaneous.
You’ll see an avatar of your monkey with the words Pet Imgakin (pictured below) — click on the monkey.
Press the “E” key to activate your free monkey.
Whew! Sounds easy enough, but I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure it out.
Once I activated my free monkey, I was a proud new pet owner. I watched my little friend interact in his new home (if you want to call the streets of Davon’s Watch home). Basically, my free monkey did the following:
Scratched his hairy butt.
Picked Talos-knows-what off the ground and ate it.
Picked at the ground looking for more of whatever he ate the first time around.
Scratched his hairy butt.
Between scratching and picking my free monkey doesn’t do much else. Sure, he scampers along behind me as I play Tarzan, but as soon as I stop to chat with an NPC, he starts scratching and eating junk off the ground again. Maybe there’s a Monkey-Training Guild in Cyrodiil, but until I find it and join up, I’m stuck with the little guy. Disgusting habits and all…
Have fun when you activate your free monkey in The Elder Scrolls Online! I hope your monkey is smarter than mine.
A picture of me and my monkey. I really don’t want to know what he’s looking at or where he got it from…My monkey scratching his butt for the umpteenth time. You’d think it’d get old, but it doesn’t…
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.