Naked Nord Run II brings about more nakedness and more Nords in The Elder Scrolls Online.
Dendroth and the gang were at it again this evening, hosting the sequel to the much ballyhooed Naked Nord Run. Tonight’s ESO event, Naked Nord Run II, was by all accounts even better than the first race. In-game prizes were awarded to the top three finishers, and an after party Lemmings event took center stage to finish a madcap evening of Nords, nakedness, and racing.
Naked Nord Run II was open to all participants willing to create a Level 3 alt. The only requirements?
Had to be a Nord,
Had to be naked.
The race began in Davon’s Watch, wound its way south through Deshaan, and finally finished in Shadowfen’s Alten Corimont. That’s quite a haul, especially when running on foot.
The winners of the Naked Nord Run II were:
nekidnored (First Place: 75 thousand gold)
Rembold the Steward (Second Place: 25 thousand gold)
Dat Bod (Third Place: Dwemer motiff)
Where are my clothes (Awarded for Best Name: 25 thousand gold)
The race organizers kept the event lighthearted and entertaining, with witty banter and generous prizes. Naked Nord Run II was truly an enjoyable evening, once again proving that The Elder Scrolls Online Community is top shelf.
Naked Nords invade Davon’s Watch in anticipation of the big race.Approximately 23 gamers participated in the event.The crowd was entertained with live music during the pre-race festivities.Some racers fueled up on protein before the race began.Afterwards they stretched and did warm-up exercises.Dendroth made an in-game appearance while things were getting organized.Where are my clothes caught some rays, and went on to win the prize for best name.The racers grouped at the South Gate starting line.They’re off in a flash! (or are they flashing?)Naked Nord Run II was a grueling race through hazardous terrain.Naked Nords lineup for the after party Lemmings event.The object? Leap off a cliff and try to die at the organizers’ feet.Geronimo!
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.