The Naked Nord run proves that the ESO community knows how to have a good time.
If you were in Davon’s Watch this evening at 7:00 PM Central Time, you were in for a surprise. A trio of Twitch streamers sponsored the “Naked Nord Run” — a race open to all level 3 Nords. The rules? No horses, no potions, and no clothes. This was a footrace from Davon’s Watch all the way to Fort Virak, with the winners to claim 225 thousand in gold.
Naked Nord Run
The ESO streamers responsible for this gathering of naked Nords were Dendroth, Demonicles, and Wulfenitegame. The race and after party were live streamed on Twitch, and players with names like “oh look a naked nord,” “Naked Nord Running,” and “Nord Streaker” were hopeful contestants. Alas, my Nord (Sven Bonebreaker) tried to take the direct route to Fort Virak by hitting the water and swimming. About five minutes into the race though, Sven was eaten by slaughterfish (not a pleasant way to go if you’re a Nord — especially if you’re naked).
All in all, about 24 contestants entered the race. The eventual winner was Alea Woundmender. She avoided the pitfalls of running naked through Stonefalls and came in first place, winning a cool 100 thousand for her efforts. Second place won 75 thousand, while third place walked away with 50 thousand. This scratch definitely isn’t chump change in The Elder Scrolls Online, and the prizes were more than generous. In addition to the in-game coinage, Dendroth raffled off a 60-day ESO time card. How cool is that?
I think I speak for all the contestants when I say that the Naked Nord Run was a blast. Not only was the race one of the most lighthearted moments in my Elder Scrolls travels, it showed again that the ESO community really knows how to kickback and have a good time.
For more laughs and awesome ESO live streaming, be sure to follow Dendroth, Demonicles, and Wulfenitegame as they travel throughout Tamriel:
Players were invited to participate in the Naked Nord Run via Zone Chat.Naked Nords warming up before the big race.Lining up by the gate.Ready… Set…Go!
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.
the second naked nord run is happening tonight!!! 7pm est NA EP!!!
Awesome! The first NNR was a blast.