If you’re a StarWars fan, make certain you don’t miss the StarWarsEasterEgg nod to the Death Star escape in this Elder Scrolls Online quest.
I don’t know about you, but I had a blast this 4th of July weekend. Not only did I eat enough hot dogs, potato chips, and watermelon to feed a hungry pack of Skeevers, I got to do a little binge gaming besides. My Elder Scrolls Online Templar is leveling up nicely, but instead of crafting and exploring, I used the long weekend to complete some of ESO’s main quests that I’ve been neglecting for too long.
Star Wars Easter Egg
So there I was, sitting in front of my PC and oblivious to the real world. Just me, Lyris Titanborn, and a newly charged mace just begging me to crack skulls with. I was halfway through the Castle of the Worm quest when it suddenly dawned upon me that I had stumbled upon my very first Star Wars Easter Egg in The Elder Scrolls Online.
I’ll spare you the fine details, but in Castle of the Worm, you and Lyris are attempting to rescue Abnur Tharn from Coldharbour. Abnur’s a piece of work, and Lyris doesn’t like him very much. As an original member of the Five Companions, Abnur betrayed Lyris and did a whole lot of bad stuff that’s hastening the end of the world. Despite this, you have to break into the castle and rescue him because he has crucial information that you need.
Abnur Tharn needs help. You’re his only hope.
The Rescue
Breaking into the castle presents a bit of a challenge, but with the help of Sir Cadwell, you and Lyris are able to sneak in. Tharn is held captive in the castle’s tower.
The rescue itself is a challenge. Besides fighting Flesh Atronarchs and the typical Coldharbour minions, you have to tangle with The Haunter of the Cliffs before you can reach Tharn. The Haunter is a towering brute with the power to turn you to stone.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this… The Haunter of the Cliffs
The Easter Egg
The Star Wars Easter Egg is revealed as soon as you meet Tharn in the flesh. In a condescending tone he tells you:
So, we meet in person at last. You looked taller in your projection.
This is a cultural reference to the famous line Princess Leia says to Luke Skywalker in her Death Star cell when they meet for the very first time:
To further enhance the Princess Leia reference, Lyris quips a bit later:
You must be the ugliest princess ever rescued from a tower, Tharn.
To escape the Castle of the Worm, the three of you must jump down a refuse chute — yet again another Star Wars Easter Egg, this time a nod to the escape via the Death Star’s trash compactor.
I don’t care what you smell! You have to jump down the refuse chute to escape.
In the end, I found The Castle of the Worm quest to be one of the more challenging and enjoyable stories in The Elder Scrolls Online to date. The rescue of Tharn was a pivotal point in the main storyline, and the fight with the Haunter of the Cliffs was a doozy (I think my Templar still has bruises). To top it off, I discovered a clever Star Wars Easter Egg that brought a smile to my face.
Until next time, fellow travelers! May the Force be with you.
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.