Controversy notwithstanding, Deltias Gaming shows us that the Crown Store really does look cool. The gaming site was able to take The Elder Scrolls Online Crown Store on a test drive so-to-speak, and posted a seriously useful video guide on YouTube (see at the end of this post). It should be noted that all the Crown Store features showcased in the video were on the ESO Play Test Server (PST), so there could be some changes before the final release.
Buy costumes, pets and more in the Crown Store [photo courtesy of Deltias Gaming]
Crown Store Features To Look Forward To
After watching the video, these are some features that I feel we should be looking forward to:
As ESO game director Matt Firor promised in last month’s ESO Live presentation, the Crown Store is stocked with only convenience and customization items. There are no “play-to-win” items for sale that would give players an unfair advantage in-game. The video clearly illustrates there are no P2W items, and that Firor is true to his word.
All Crown Store purchases are account bound. This is a huge deal, and unlike some other MMORPG cash shops (SWTOR for example). Basically, when you buy a mount, pet, etc. in the Crown Store, your main character and all alts have access to the purchase. No need to buy the same stuff for all your individual characters. To make things even better, this account bound feature is retroactive for all the other mounts, pets, etc. that players already own.
All items in The Elder Scrolls Online Crown Store can be previewed before making a purchase. Considering a White Mane Horse for your character? You can actually preview your character sitting in the saddle before you spend your crowns. The preview feature is good for pets and costumes as well, and is a great way to “kick the tires” before spending real money.
The Crown Store user-interface looks fantastic and appears to be easy-to-use. Items are organized logically in Bundles, Consumables, Costumes, Mounts, and Pets.
In the end, Deltias Gaming says that The Elder Scrolls Online Crown Store is “the best cash-up he’s ever seen.” He further believes that the Crown Store “doesn’t take away from your experience, but adds to it.” This is high praise from a trusted source, and I for one am looking forward to the shop’s final release.
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.