Demiguise Moon Statues are a collectible in Hogwarts Legacy, which can start looking for after the Main Quest, The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. These will look like small statues, holding moon-like objects, and they are spread throughout Hogwarts and the world surrounding it. Collecting the Demiguise Statue will get you a Demiguise Moon.
There are 30 to find in total (not counting the ones you find during The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament), but keep in mind that you can only interact with them at night — the statue will glow blue when you can collect it.
Below we will list where to find all of the Demiguise Moon Statues and then offer some more information about them. Note that some Statues will require you to have upgraded your
Alohomora to level 2 to access them (one of the requirements for which will be for you to locate 9 Demiguise Statues first — we will discuss more about this below).
Demiguise Statue Locations
How to Unlock Demiguise Statues
To start collecting Demiguise Statues, you will first need to go through the main story until you complete the quest The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. Once you’ve finished it, you will be able to start collecting the statues freely. You will also automatically start the side quest The Man Behind the Moons, which is directly tied to the collectible (it will also help you complete the collection — more on that below).
How to Collect Demiguise Moons
To collect the Demiguise Moons, you simply have to walk up to the Statues holding them and interact with them. Keep in mind, however, that you can only collect them when it’s night time. You can always advance time if you happen to find one during the day.
It’s also worth noting that a few of the statues will be blocked by doors guarded with a level 2 lock. To unlock these, you will need to go through the Side Quest The Man Behind the Moons to upgrade your
Alohomora to level 2 — the quest, coincidentally, requires you to find 9 Demiguise Statues to upgrade the spell.
We hope you found this guide on Demiguise Moon Statues useful! Remember that we have many other Collectibles we cover, should all of this moon hunting inspire you to look for the star constellations from the Astronomy Tables.