Hogwarts Legacy

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Hogwarts Legacy Review – Wizardry in Stasis

There are many, many people who love Harry Potter. Who read all the books and watched all the movies growing up. People who adore the franchise, people for whom the Wizarding World means an incredible amount. And it is those…

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Defence Against the Dark Arts Class – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

This walkthrough will take you through the main quest “Defence Against the Dark Arts Class”, including finding the classroom, successfully learning Levioso, and winning a duel. Note that this guide is a work in progress, and will be updated soon!…

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Classes and Professors – Hogwarts Legacy

There is one thing that any good student of Hogwarts must do if they want to be a capable witch or wizard, and that is attend classes. Thankfully, there is no lectures and notetaking in Hogwarts Legacy’s version of these…

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Potions – Hogwarts Legacy

There are many things that a student at Hogwarts must learn to be a successful witch or wizard, from spellcasting to broom flight. But perhaps nothing is quite as potent as potions, which can, as Severus Snape once said, “teach…

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Like a Moth to a Frame – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

There are many mysteries around Hogwarts, but one of them has Lenora Everleigh stumped — there is a seemingly blank portrait that just appeared in Central Hall. In this walkthrough, we will take you through the secret to this puzzle,…

hogwarts legacy wand customization

Wand Customization – Hogwarts Legacy

As a witch or wizard-in-training in Hogwarts Legacy, you will obviously need a wand at some point in order to properly cast your spells. Luckily, the school will provide you one. Better still, you will be able to fully customize…

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Shops and Vendors – Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can equip your character with countless gear items, grow plants from seeds, customize the Room of Requirement and Vivarium, and much, much more. But, in order to take full advantage of any of that, you will…

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Collections – Hogwarts Legacy

As a modern open-world RPG, Hogwarts Legacy is naturally replete with collectibles. Unlike many other games, however, the Collections of Hogwarts Legacy all serve a function. Rather than simply collecting things to read a bit of flavor text, the beasts,…

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Challenges – Hogwarts Legacy

While Hogwarts Legacy has achievements just like any other RPG, it also has its own unique Challenges system for tracking your character’s accomplishments. By reaching certain milestones or doing specific tasks, you’ll be able to complete Challenges. In addition to…

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Fast Travel & Floo Flame Locations – Hogwarts Legacy

Getting where you need to go by broom or hippogriff is certainly fun. But, sometimes you’ll want to get where you’re going instantly, and for that there are Floo Flames. Found throughout the game, Floo Flames are how you’ll you…