icarus survival sandbox review

ICARUS Review — Mission-Driven Sandbox Survival

ICARUS, an ambitious new survival sandbox title from RocketWerkz and its game-runner Dean Hall (of DayZ fame) was released last December after 2 years of development and a marathon of 8 Beta Testing weekends, spread over 4 months. After that…

icarus hunter build guide featured image

ICARUS Hunter Build

Nothing is more important to a hunter than the element of surprise. On Icarus, situational awareness is a prized commodity. Hunters are masters of their surroundings and use the natural resources in a biome to ward off the dangers of…

how to play with friends icarus guide featured image

How to Play ICARUS With Friends

Survival crafting games are almost always easier (and more fun) with other players, but it can sometimes be tricky to figure out how to get your friends in the game with you. In this guide, we’ll show you how to…

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ICARUS Solo Build

Surviving alone, with no backup and nothing but an envirosuit to start with, was a calamitous experience for many prospectors during the Beta Era of missions to the surface of Icarus. As a result, the powers in control of the…

icarus ranged combat archer build

ICARUS Ranged Combat Archer Build

One solid piece of survival advice shared among Icarus prospectors is to address problems before they overwhelm you. Sometimes the problem is an Arctic glacier packed tight with carnivores, or a bear camping a cave entrance rich with ore. If…

icarus close combat build

ICARUS Close Combat Build

When it comes to encounters with predators, we really only have the following options to settle them: Avoid the conflict entirely, take the predator down from afar, sneak in, or taunt it for a close confrontation. Are you an in-your-face…

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ICARUS Talent System Guide

Hey Prospectors! Are you’re getting ready to drop down on your first mission? Maybe you are thinking about creating a new character that complements your others? Choosing the right talents can shave hours off your mission and keep you alive…

weapons - icarus

Weapons – ICARUS

Killing on ICARUS is not an option. Even if you choose to do some creative work on an Outpost map, you will need to do some Hunting to craft some essential tools and ensure your survival. Things get extra tricky…

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In ICARUS, each Prospector you level up will have to specialize to some extent, as there are far more recipes and talents than you can earn points for. In these builds, we’ll take the guesswork out of spending your hard-earned…

hunting - icarus

Hunting – ICARUS

Wildlife on planet Icarus might not need you for their own survival, but you will certainly need them for your own. A big part of your crafting will involve materials like Leather, Fur, and Bone. Furthermore, there is no other…

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ICARUS Mining Build

Whether you’re finding it tough to get enough metal, or you just want to level the lazy way by left-clicking stone while you watch YouTube videos, we’ve got you covered with a guide on what talents to choose for fast,…