There some things that work together, peanut butter and chocolate, strawberry and chili, beards and pink taffeta”¦. Oh, I er, mean”¦ maybe not. Well Fakedice, a seven man Korean gaming company is mixing stuff up in their own way, in Dicetiny.
Take a board game, a dungeon crawler and card game and mix them all together in an overly large and dramatic cauldron, whilst wearing a novelty wizards hat and cackling maniacally, and what you may end up with is Dicetiny
Dicetiny takes all the things you’re familiar with in RPGs, warriors, mages, monster, potions, traps, treasure; wraps them all up in a bold and cartoony style, and delivers them in what I think is a very interesting way.
If you want to find out more information, please read the press release below.
The game is receiving its final coat of wax so it will be ready for its Kickstarter campaign soon, and then a release on to Steam this winter.
DICETINY, a PC Board Game mashed with Dungeon Crawler and Card Battle
Fakedice, an independent developer based in Korea announced today their development of Dicetiny, a PC board game mashed with dungeon crawler and card battle games while being influenced by such games as Monopoly, Dungeon Crawler, and Hearthstone.
In this 4 player co-op game, playing as one of four classes, player has to work together with three other players online to battle monsters on a board where random events such as treasure, quests, or traps are hidden, and ultimately defeat an evil dragon to save the world. The key to success will depend on how well you utilize your class’ specialty and cooperate with other players.
Player rolls dice to move and draws a class-specific card from the deck to attack, heal, run, teleport, shoot arrows, or drop meteors among many. Clearing the stage gives a random card drop with which you can build your own card deck.
Scheduled to arrive on Steam Early Access this winter, Dicetiny aims to appeal to fans of RPGs, board games, or card battle games. Its Kickstarter campaign is also scheduled to launch very soon.
Fakedice is an independent developer based in Seoul, South Korea consisting of seven creative and free-spirited individuals who want to make awesome games and make a reasonably living doing it. They’re one of very few developers in Korea who stayed with PC game industry while almost every developer in Korea turned their heads to mobile game industry.
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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.