Elder Scrolls VI Multiplayer?

elder scrolls vi multiplayer

With over 20 million copies sold, Skyrim is one of the top selling video games of all time. This is a huge accomplishment for the fifth installation of The Elder Scrolls series, and the impressive sales numbers prove that single-player video games are far from dead. In an age where multiplayer games typically grab the headlines, it was great to see an immersive game like Skyrim offering players the chance to spin their own epic yarn.

Skyrim offers a great single-player experience, providing untold hours of imaginative fun. Whether you like exploring ancient ruins or completing challenging quests, Skyrim captures your attention like few video games can.

With that said, would a multiplayer option make the gaming experience even greater? This of course will never happen with Skyrim — the game is complete in its finished form, but what about the series’ next installment? Would an Elder Scrolls VI multiplayer game be well received?

Imagine taking the single-player experience of Skyrim, and having the ability to invite a friend or two to come along as you raid a bandit camp or fight a nest of Frost Spiders. I’m not talking about co-op play like in The Elder Scrolls Online, a MMORPG with thousands of players online at any given time. I’m talking about an intimate experience like Skyrim, where you can have a friend or two join you by special invitation. Like a traditional RPG, you could form a small party to quest and explore. Would an Elder Scrolls VI multiplayer option help propel Skyrim’s heir apparent to even greater heights of success?

So what do you think? Would you like to see an Elder Scrolls VI multiplayer game? What are the pros and cons of gaming with a buddy or two? Share your thoughts in the Speak Your Mind section below.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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DeWayne Cox
DeWayne Cox
9 years ago

I am a huge fan of Skyrim, I’ve bought wallets, jewelry, clothing, and statues. I can honestly say I am Addicted to Skyrim !!! I ended up being one of those nuts that pre-ordered The ESO Imperial Edition a whole year and a half before it came out !!! I am so sorry to say that ESO is so overly complicated and just down right disappointed and heartbroken. I was under the impression that I could travel anywhere anytime. Not so … This game is such a huge let down for all the Skyrim fans, that hoped and prayed that they would follow in the Skyrim success in the basic game format. But alas it does not !!! I hope and pray that The Elder Scrolls 6 is going to get back to the layout like Skyrim was. Sorry but I feel like the creators really botched up ESO !!!!

Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough
Reply to  DeWayne Cox
9 years ago

Hi DeWayne, thanks for your comment! Like all Skyrim fans, I’m super-excited for the eventual release of The Elder Scrolls VI, and I really hope there’ll be a multi-player element to the game. That said, don’t give up too quickly on The Elder Scrolls Online. Yes, it’s not the Skyrim sequel we envision, but it’s a special game in its own right. Like you, I felt somewhat overwhelmed when I first started ESO. There were definite similarities to Skyrim, but the game seemed alien at times. I honestly didn’t have a lot of experience with MMO games until Elder Scrolls Online, but after awhile things made sense. As you level your character and complete quests in different provinces, new provinces will open up and allow you to travel freely and explore Tamriel. The thing I like about ESO is the variety of things to do. Like Skyrim, you can craft, quest, etc. There’s also the MMO element of teaming up with people (sometimes strangers, sometimes guildmates) to complete dungeons, etc. I personally don’t do a lot of PvP (player vs. player fighting), and find myself enjoying more of the single-player aspects of the game. If you’re willing to give The Elder Scrolls Online another chance, I’d suggest joining a good guild or two (you can join up to 5). Guild members are real helpful if you have questions or are looking for help.

Reply to  Shane Scarbrough
8 years ago

I would like to say that ESO was terrible in comparison to Skyrim. It’s the lore it does not add up and makes no sense. And having a lore obsession it really did disappointed me. Me I’m shure that at least someone has to support my clam on this matter. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the games playstyle except for one bit. I did not like that the race and class customization but truly it was the lore that ruined it.

Billy goodey
Billy goodey
6 years ago

I would love to see a elder scrolls 6 with a local and split screen as you said about having an invite me and my cousin ways dream about is two playing together but because its not gonna be skyrim again it’s probably gonna be “valenwood” or “blackmarsh” I would love to see vallenwood in action and having the start in elder scrolls fashion being in a dungeon I would to fight my way through not only having fun but having fun with my little cousin while I we play through quest and travel but there’s one thing they would have to do to make that 2 player or party thing work is to make the map really big because no doubt that your friend will travel across the world and I agree about the ESO thing

2 years ago

I would love to have a small party for multiplayer in the upcoming ES6

Reply to  Chase
1 year ago

Totally agree. I and a group of friends play gears as it’s the only 5 player co-op that’s any good. We love fantasy but MMO’s don’t offer a truly immersive experience IMO. A co-op skyrim where one could play with friends in a dedicated instance and enjoy a far richer story than mmo can offer – would have my money all day long. Nab the group decision system from SWTOR and it’d be golden.