GAMESCON 2018: Explore A Museum Through ‘Nubla’

When mediums are combined, a work of art can form as a result. In some unique cases for example, video games has enabled gamers to explore new mediums, in particular, art. The Lourve in Paris has their own Nintendo 3DS game, released in 2013, that gives people the opportunity to explore one of the greatest museums in the world from the comfort of their own home. The museum even provides this game in their own giftshop!

A Museum At Your Fingertips

In 2015, this concept was explored further through the potential of video games and storytelling with Nubla (available only on PS4), developed by Gammera Nest and Sony Computer Entertainment Spain.

This adventure takes you through the Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza of Modern Art in the style of storytelling and puzzle-solving. Through the game, you are able to interact with the people in the paintings, exploring the museum in a fantastical dimension as a way of exploring identity and our place in the world.

Now the game is back, with Gammera Nest working hard in creating Nubla: Chapter 2, titled M, The City in the Center of the World.

Through exploring artists’ work such as Joseph Turner, Max Ernst, and David Friedrich, this chapter will guide you through temporal and spatial frontiers, and how we can are all refugees in a world that is not our own.

Similar to the first chapter, you explore the art of the National Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza through the blending of art, technology, and interactive storytelling, doing more than what the first chapter provided. All the while being an educational and creative experience.

Previously, Nubla was hailed for its ability to calming pace, giving players the opportunity to play at their own speed and learn along the process.

If you’re interested in learning more about Nubla, then make sure to follow what’s going on at Gamescon 2018 within the Spanish Pavilion, from the 21st to the 25th of August this year in Cologne, Germany.

Just head on over to Hall 04.1 | Stand E-010g/F-019g where you will have access to a hands-on demonstration of Chapter 2. CEO of Gammera Nest, Daniel Sánchez, will be there to help with the demos and available for interviews.

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Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson

Sarah ia a 20 year old Drama and Film student from Manchester, UK. Writing and reviewing video games is something that she enjoy's doing, particularly indie games. She's been playing games all her life, but when she played Bioshock in 2010, it got her back into gaming and since then, she's been playing a vast amount of games.

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