Get Ready For Diablo III

diablo III is coming

It’s hard to believe that it was back in 2008 when Blizzard first announced the release of the highly anticipated Diablo III. Fans of the hit video game franchise have been waiting anxiously for the third installment of the game to hit the street. Still no hard release date for Diablo III at the time of this writing, but rest assured, the game is coming. And coming soon. Blizzard released the beta in September 2011, so it’s only a matter of time before gamers can yet again start crawling dungeons and fighting the forces of elemental evil.

Diablo III

Diablo III is a dark RPG rooted in the plot its predecessors. Players must fight to save Sanctuary from the corrupt armies of the Burning Hell. It’s hack and slash at its finest, and the fate of the world rests on the actions of Diablo III’s heroes. As a player, will you overcome the darkness in this fantasy horror? Time will tell.

Don’t expect too many radical changes from the previous Diablo installments (why mess with success?). The game is still played from a third person perspective, which is actually perfect for the RPG genre, and controls will be familiar to the Diablo faithful. Thankfully, multiplayer capabilities will be available through the service (one of the overwhelming strengths of Blizzard’s other heavy hitters — Starcraft II and World of Warcraft). The presently serves around twelve million players worldwide, and the network will be the primo social gathering spot for both casual and hardcore gamers alike.

Diablo III will improve things a bit via an enhanced quest system and random encounter generator. These improvements will help shake things up to ensure excellent game re-playability. Players will be able to chose the gender of their characters as well as pick from an enhanced character class list. It may be hard to choose from playing either the new wizard, monk, barbarian, witch doctor, or demon hunter class. This is a good problem to have though, and more choice will inevitably lead to more excitement.

So get ready fans. Diablo III is coming!

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Brian Seaver
Brian Seaver

Brian's favorite video games are Skyrim and Fallout, though he's been known to enjoy the Assassin's Creed and Diablo series as well. When he's not playing video games he's either working or volunteering at the local animal shelter. His real life Follower is a chocolate lab named Frodo.

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