God of War – 5 Things To Be Excited About

The God of War is back. In this retelling of a classic, we are brought into a new world with new adventures. But, this is not the Kratos you may think you know. This time, he is on a journey of redemption in an attempt to kindle a relationship with his son. He may still be pasty white and good at killing but this time, it is not for revenge. The new God of War is set to be a whole new experience while still capturing the essence of the original games. So, what do we already know and what can we expect from this new title?

1. A Brand New Story

If you every played the original games then you’ll know this story is very different. We are taken away from the rage infused killing machine that is Kratos and shown a new side. This time, Kratos is on a journey of responsibility. Learning how to take care of his son and showing him how to fight in a world full of danger. I am hoping for a deep heart-warming story that shows us Kratos’ sensitive side. But, I also still want to be able to rip the arms off of monsters. So, far that’s what it looks like we’ll be getting. It will be exciting to see how well the story is told and how it holds up against the classic series.

god of war story

Gone are the days of the duel swords. Considering the last time Kratos handled a sword he stabbed himself with it, it’s probably for the best. Instead, we have a magical axe with which to slay mythical monsters. And, if you’re thinking this isn’t as cool, well let me tell you, it is. Because, this isn’t just any axe, its a boomerang axe. Well, perhaps not quite a boomerang, but it certainly returns to sender. You don’t have to worry about losing it because will magically come flying back. At this stage, it isn’t clear why Kratos has this unique weapon. But, hopefully all will be revealed as we play. It isn’t certain if he will wield any other weapons either. If there are, it will be good to see how they are implemented.

god of war axe

One thing the God of War series was good at was big monsters. And big gods and well, big everything. If there is even a chance of having a giant monster fight, I am interested. It does appear to have some large beasts, from what looks like a troll to an enormous sea serpent. I’m really hoping that they incorporate more big creatures because that was one thing the old games did so well.

god of war monsters

In this epic new adventure, Kratos will no longer be confined to Ancient Greece. This time, he takes a turn to explore some Norse lore. From forests to mountains, this will certainly be a change for this veteran. As you travel across the realms, this may feel more like Skyrim than anything else. The snow covered scenery is definitely going to bring a different pace to the story. It will be nice to see this change especially in the beauty of modern graphics.

god of war scenery

By the looks of things, it won’t just be Kratos exploring this strange new land. As we know it, he will be travelling with his son. A bow wielding child that has a lot of spirit, much like his father. From what we have seen in the trailer, you will be able to pull off combo attacks with your son. Perhaps this is how Kratos escapes from his gruelling past; by teaching his son how to fight. If it is possible to use your son to help you defeat some monsters, it could really be a great new mechanic for the game. We’ve never had a companion system before so this could be a first for the series.

So, those were just some of the things that we’ve seen so far that have piqued out interest. I am excited to see the finished product when God of War releases in early 2018. Are you excited for the new game? Let us know your thoughts.

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I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

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7 years ago

I’m afraid it will be too much of a tag-along adventure (like The Last Of Us) and not enough hack and slash and puzzle design. But a lot of people prefer those kind of games.