Last Weeks Top Games and Lessons

Another glorious chunk of days has come and gone, and with it a whole bevvy of gorgeous releases that us loyal zombie chimps and chimpettes couldn’t wait to get our teeth into. Just what games were our favourites, what kept us coming back for more? Also, as we approached the end of the week bloodies and beaten from the gaming challenges set before us, just what did we learn and through the carnage did we achieve anything.


What have I been playing?
Not a lot has changed from last week, still putting in the hours of Fallout 4 in readiness of the next patch Nuka-World, and hammering through as much Warlords of Draenor content until Legion’s release. Oh, and still finding time to cram in the odd Overwatch game of course.

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
Increased the height of my Red Rocket Truck Stop settlement in Fallout 4 to over ten stories high, now a burgeoning settlement with over 20 settlers it now hammers my graphics card just to get everything going.

What Did I Learn?
I learned that ten stories is pretty much the maximum you can build to, as you go outside of building range when getting in the lift to the top floor. I also learned, that as Reinhardt in Overwatch is my favourite tank.


What have I been playing?
Since Deus Ex: Mankind Divided came out this last week, that’s pretty much all I’ve been playing. Seriously, I think it may have taken over my life just a little. I’m not obsessed or anything…

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
I’m trying to complete Deus Ex using only stealth and non lethal weapons. It’s difficult but so far I’ve managed to complete every mission doing it. Haven’t killed a single person. I’d say that was a pretty big achievement. Especially for someone who sucks at stealth games.

What Did I Learn?
Upgrading your augments is essential. That may seem like an obvious observation but knowing which ones to upgrade can be difficult. What I’ve found is that hacking is a crucial part of the game so upgrading this early makes a lot of side missions so much easier. Also, doing side missions is extremely helpful. You get lots of XP which then means you can upgrade faster.


What have I been playing?
Because of Saints Row’s 10th anniversary, I’ve been playing Saints Row 2. Also playing Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto V, working toward 100% on the latter.

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
Collected all the hidden notes in Grand Theft Auto V, Progressed more in Skyrim on Legendary difficulty, and figured out how to pick things up using 360 controls on pc, where there are no proper button prompts.

What Did I Learn?
You level up far too quickly on Legendary in Skyrim, Saints Row 2 on PC seems to work on Windows 10 surprisingly, and GTA V is showing me that collectables are a really good way to pad game time with minimal effort.


What have I been playing?
I’ve been playing almost exclusively Overwatch, but I fit in a decent amount of Fallout 4 as well.

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
My biggest achievement is likely getting three five-man ressurections in a single match as Mercy, and not dying immediately after. That’s quite an achievement, Id say.

What Did I Learn?
I’ve learned that playing with a high png is absolute garbage, even with characters that don’t require decent aim. Anything above 90 drops performance significantly, though 90 is not quite unplayable for me. Thank goodness I’ve gotten that all sorted out by ditching WiFi.


What have I been playing?
Rare Replay

What’s My Biggest Achievement?
I really don’t have one besides being able to play Conker’s Bad Fur Day again, along with Banjo Kazooie and Tooie on this collection. The other games are amazing too, though!

What Did I Learn?
That Rare Replay is amazing, and that it’s awesome to only pay $20-$30 for a copy of it to get these games in a legal manner.

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