Gaming News

Sims 4 Seasons header

The Sims 4 Seasons Is Coming June 22nd

Yep, it’s that time again ladies and gentlemen. The Sims 4 is bringing out a brand new game pack and this time its all about the weather! The Sims 4 Seasons, I imagine, will be like how we had seasons…

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Noahmund JRPG Coming to Steam Q3 2018

Noahmund a new JRPG from Spain’s Estudio Àbrego, is soon to be arriving on the shores of the UK. Inspired by Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy Tactics, Noahmund’s painterly visuals, node-based exploration system, and atmospheric soundtrack are sure to impress…

Battlefield V Header Image

EA Announces Battlefield V Launching on Oct 19

On Wed 23rd May, DICE, an Electronic Arts Inc. studio, officially announced Battlefield™ V , immersing players in unexpected battles and untold stories of World War 2 as never seen before. Featuring a fresh portrayal of one of mankind’s biggest…

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Office Quest Puzzle Game Now on Steam

Have you ever been stuck in an office job? Forced to push the same key at the same time every day, every week? Have you ever just wanted to throw off the shackles of corporate oppression and be free? Well,…


PUBG Mobile 10 Million Users and Update News

If you’ve not heard of playerUnknowns Battlegrounds Mobile or PUBG Mobile for short, then you’re clearly not one of it’s current 10 million daily active players. Not only has the player-base reached fantastic heights but they’re also celebrating a large…

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Headliners at Brazil’s Independent Games (BIG) Festival

BIG (Brazil’s Independent Games Festival), the largest independent games festival in Latin America, taking place in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro from June 23 to July 1, revealed today the attendance of four key international industry guests, scheduled to…

logo The Ancients AR

The Ancients AR ARKit Game Now on iOS

In the latest augmented reality game developed by Immersion, you take control of a large fleet of ships to take on large and powerful sea creatures. You can even summon your own fire-breathing dragon if you need a bit of…

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Dominari Empires Full Release Now Available On Steam

Set in space you have to manage resources and battle it out against your foes. Dominari Empires (formerly Dominari Tournament) is all about who has the most skill and power. A Tiny RTS game that is perfect for lovers of…