Gaming News

Video Gaming as a New Parent

Video Gaming as a New Parent

At some point for a great many of you, if not already, you’ll start the tiring and incredibly expensive journey of being a new parent. A time when all thoughts, time, energy and money are devoted towards a small, incomprehensible,…

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Sky Preview: Not quite Journey

Thatgamecompany’s Sky is in testing on iOS this weekend. It has a section where you slide down a sun-soaked hill to uplifting music. It has muted grey caves and cold, colourless plains patrolled by antagonistic, hulking constructs. It has a…

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Stardew Valley Update – Multiplayer, New Events And More

The much loved farming game Stardew Valley is getting an update. Not only will it feature new things for the single player game, but it is looking promising for multiplayer too. A while ago, Chucklefish announced that it would be…

Rise of Man Early Access Preview Logo

Rise of Man Early Access Preview

Buying any Early Access game is a bit of a gamble. On the one hand, you get to experience the game development process, and experience the game sooner than you would normally. Although depending on how far into Early Access…

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Last Encounter to be Released on all Consoles

Twin stick shooter Last Encounter is making its way to consoles this year! Last Encounter is a top-down down twin-stick shooter that will challenge the player in solo or co-op. To conquer an alien threat, players must customize their weapons…

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Nintendo drops January Direct

  After months of speculation and rumours, Nintendo finally-and suddenly-dropped their January Direct Mini on YouTube and their own site. Poised as a teaser for what’s to come in 2018, here’s everything that was announced in the short video:  …