Gaming News

Windward Released May 12th

A couple of months ago, I wrote this post to tell you about Windward, Tasharen Entertainments action sandbox game set on the dangerous and considerably wet, high seas. Well, this is just to let you know that Windward is due to…

new eso crown store food and drink

New ESO Crown Store Food And Drink

Food and drink buffs are now available for sale in the ESO Crown Store. Yesterday, ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS) released six new items in the cash shop. Under the “Consumables” tab, players now have the ability to purchase new ESO…

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MomoCon 2015 Opens in Atlanta in May

Last year I posted, fairly briefly about MomoCon 2014. You can find the post here if you wanted to refresh your knowledge. Well, seeing it’s now 2015, it’s time to talk about MomoCon 2015, and some of the stuff that…

team bethesda

Destiny Senior Gameplay Designer Joins Team Bethesda

Josh Hamrick, Destiny senior gameplay designer, leaves Bungie for Bethesda. On Friday, Josh Hamrick (senior gameplay designer for Destiny) made a surprise announcement on Twitter, revealing that he’s left Bungie to join team Bethesda. Pete Hines, Bethesda VP of marketing…

Pillars of Eternity RPG

Pillars Of Eternity RPG Releases Tomorrow

The highly anticipated Pillars of Eternity RPG is releasing on March 26, 2015. Pillars of Eternity, a new fantasy RPG from Obsidian Entertainment, launches tomorrow for PC, Mac, and Linux. Obsidian, as you may remember, was the developer of Fallout:…