Gaming News

Metro Redux

Metro Redux Announcement On 22nd Of May?

Metro Redux Announcement The Metro Last Light Twitter has been pretty busy releasing teasers of their expected port of Metro: Last Light and Metro: 2033 the next-gen consoles, and it seems that they may have just given away a release…

eso bots

ESO Bots: What Can Be Done?

ESO bots are a troublesome problem, but what can be done? In last month’s State of the Game Address, Matt Firor (Game Director for The Elder Scrolls Online) acknowledged the problem of ESO bots and the ongoing fight to squash…

godzilla in skyrim featured

Godzilla In Skyrim? Better Run And Hide!

[youtube_sc url=””] Godzilla in Skyrim? Yes it’s true. If you’re tired of fighting Dragons in Skyrim, how about taking on Godzilla? Talk about a challenge! If the Japanese army can’t stop Godzilla from stomping Tokyo, how can the Dragonborn possibly…

quantic dream

Quantic Dream Working On 2 Projects?

Quantic Dream It seems that our buddies at Quantic Dream are keeping busy by currently working on 2 projects. According to the CV of Simon Wasselin,in charge of Associate Lead Gameplay at Quantic Dream, he is working on 2 Undisclosed…

Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront From D.I.C.E Coming This Fall?

Star Wars Battlefront Joakim Bodin, lead software engineer at D.I.C.E has been tweeting some very mysterious things alluding to a new game. This new game apparently has multiplayer and is coming out this fall according to a Tweet. D.I.C.E right…

Capcom Top 6

Capcom Tells Us Their 6 Most Powerful Franchises

Capcom Top 6 In a document created by Capcom detailing the company’s competitive edge, Capcom revealed their 6 most powerful franchises. The list reads: Resident Evil – 61 million units. Street Fighter – 35 million units. Monster Hunter – 28…

ESO Delayed

ESO Delay For Xbox One And PS4

Recent announcement reveals ESO delay for Xbox One and PS4 consoles. Say it ain’t so! According to an announcement made yesterday on the official Elder Scrolls Online website, the release date for Xbox One and Playstation 4 has been delayed…

dragonborn statue featured

Dragonborn Statue On Sale For Limited Time

  Just a quick heads up for Skyrim and Elder Scrolls collectors — the Bethesda Store is running a special sale on two variations of the Dragonborn statue. Both the Dragonborn Statue and the Dragon Priest Mask Variant are on…