Gaming News

king arthur in skyrim featured

King Arthur in Skyrim?

Can you truly find King Arthur in Skyrim? One of the things that I’ve always enjoyed about Skyrim is the open-world concept. Sure, I like to complete quests and story lines, but there’s something exciting about going “off script” and…

Beta Testing Video Games : The Four Don’ts

The Elder Scrolls online beta test, probably one of the last ones there’ll be for ESO, seeing as it’s released at the start of April, took place last weekend. Though I didn’t really take part in this one, I’ve taken…

skyrim reimagined

Skyrim Reimagined As A Retro Game

Join us as we take a look at what Skyrim may have looked like as a classic Nintendo and Atari video game back in the day. 8-bit gaming never looked so good. Last September I wrote about three retro video…

bleakrock island

Bleakrock Island: Skyrim Looks Amazing in ESO!

Bleakrock Island… Skyrim Lives On In The Elder Scrolls Online One of the best things about this weekend’s ESO beta test (besides the free monkey of course) was the lifting of the non-disclosure agreement. With the NDA no longer in…

elder scrolls vi disc

No Elder Scrolls VI Disc?

I read an interesting article on the CNN/Money website that insists disc-based gaming will soon be extinct. The article makes some valid points regarding the growth of smartphone and tablet games, and I suppose it’s not too hard to imagine…

Jungle Rumble Logo

Jungle Rumble Mobile Monkey Drumming Madness

Are you a fan of rhythm games? I’m very much on the musical fence. Like every other video game genre there are those that are done well, like the guitar hero franchise and those that we’re not done so well,…

free Elder Scrolls Monkey

Beta Test ESO and Get a Free Monkey!

Moments ago, ZeniMax Online Studios announced the latest Elder Scrolls Online beta test scheduled to take place this weekend. The beta test runs from Friday, February 28 at 12PM EDT to Sunday, March 2nd, at 11:59PM EDT. Free Elder Scrolls…

Symbiote Studios Elder Scrolls Online Gift Set

Elder Scrolls Online Gift Set by Symbiote Studios

The folks at Symbiote Studios are at it again! The collectible toy company is producing more licensed Elder Scrolls figures for Bethesda. The last time around, Symbiote Studios released the Astrid and Dark Elf figures for Skyrim. They’ve now turned…