Gaming News

How Diablo Ii Resurrected Will Run Two Games At Once

How Diablo II Resurrected Will Run Two Games at Once

It’s been a crazy day for everyone excited for the Diablo II remaster: BlizzCon had an hour worth of updates to share with us and, honestly, Diablo II Resurrected is looking pretty fantastic so far. While the new 3D models,…

Cd Projekt Hacked Ransomware Gwent Leak

CDProject Hacked, GWENT Source Code Leaked

Someone has managed to hack Polish publisher CDProjekt, and they claim to have stolen the source code for Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3, and GWENT. CDProjekt released a statement on Twitter earlier this week acknowledging that they were the victim…

Valheim Early Access Hit Exploration Screenshot

Viking Survival Game Valheim an Early Access Hit

With the immense success of base building survival games like Rust and Ark, it seems like you can’t open the Steam store without tripping over a new entry in the genre. Swedish developer Iron Gate Studio’s freshman release Valheim has…

Diablo 2 Upscaled Screenshot

Blizzard Might Be Working on a Diablo II Remaster

A recent report from Bloomberg shed some light on changes Activation Blizzard are making internally, including moving the development studio Vicarious Visions into the Blizzard Entertainment division to work on a possible Diablo II remaster. Vicarious Visions has been underneath…

Guns For Hire Companions In Far Cry 5

Guns for Hire / Companions in Far Cry 5

Guns for Hire in Far Cry 5 are NPC companions that fight along side of you. They provide many benefits and can be utilized in different ways such as stealth attacks or pinpointing enemy locations. Specialists Here is a list…