Tales From The Borderlands Loot Will Be Usable In Other Borderlands Games

Tales From The Borderlands Loot

Tales From The Borderlands loot will be usable in other games in the franchise.

Today, Telltale Games released some screenshots of their Tales From The Borderlands game along with new info. One interesting piece of revealed information is that you can use in-game loot in other Borderlands games.

Tales From The Borderlands Loot

This seems to show that Tales From The Borderlands will have a much closer relationship to the original Borderlands series than we could have expected.

According to producer Adam Sarasohn, the loot collected in the episodic series will be “available to use in other areas of the Borderlands franchise.”

Hopefully there will be some interesting collectibles in the game as well.


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Moyo G.
Moyo G.

Moyo G. is a video game journalist from the United Kingdom and the founder of GamrMe.com, a news and commentary website focused on console and PC gaming. You can find Moyo on Google+

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