A Quick Guide to the Nine Divine Shrines in Skyrim

If you’re wandering aimlessly through Skyrim with a list of diseases or just looking for a short boost to your stats it’s time you find a Shrine of a Nine Divine. These shrines, upon activation, will automatically cure all diseases (excluding vampirism) and give you a boost in a single stat depending on the Divine you pray to. Each Divine has multiple shrines across the province of Skyrim, but this list only includes the most popular locations.

  1. Cures all diseases
  2. +10% Magicka Regeneration Rate
Located in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude and near the Skyborn Altar.
  1. Cure All Diseases
  2. +25 Health
Located in the Hall of the Dead and Temple of the Divines in Solitude.
  1. Cures All Diseases
  2. +10 Speechcraft
Located in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude and the Temple of Dibella in Markarth.
  1. Cure All Diseases
  2. +25 Magicka
Located in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude.
  1. Cure All Diseases
  2. +25 Stamina
Located in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude and in the Temple of Kynareth near of Whiterun.
  1. Cure All Diseases
  2. +10 Healing Effects
Located in the Temple of the Divines in Solitude and the Temple of Mara in Riften.
  1. Cure All Diseases
  2. +10% Blocking Effectiveness
Located in the Temple of the Divines and in Stendarr’s Beacon south of Riften.
  1. Cure All Diseases
  2. +20% Shout Recovery
Located in the Temple of the Divines and the Temple of Talos in Markarth, Whiterun and Riften.
  1. Cure All Diseases
  2. 10% Better Prices
Located in the Temple of the Divines and within the ruins of Fallowstone North of Riften.

These are the Nine Divines Shrines but they do not include all of the locations within the province of Skyrim. Each shrine’s effects last 8 hours before disappearing.

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Phill is a long time Elder Scrolls enthusiast who decided to create a community of his own. He is the founder of both The Skyrim Guild and The Shadowed Mare -- two of the earliest Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online websites.

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10 years ago

Actually these will cure vampirism within the first three days of contracting it.