New Look for the Skyrim Fansite

Skyrim Fansite new logo
Logo redesign one of the many changes.

Greeting fellow travelers! If you haven’t noticed, the Skyrim Fansite has been given a brand new look. Everything from the color scheme to the logo has been redesigned with the readers in mind. While I always liked the original dark, “grunge” look of the website, the design wasn’t the best when it came to accessing information and reading posts and pages. White letters against a black background might have looked cool, giving the website a certain gritty flavor, but it was hard on the eyes when it came to reading — and being able to read the articles and information on the site really is the point, isn’t it? Without realizing it, function was sacrificed for style, and for a while I got away with increasing the size of the font and performing other feats of enchantment to help the situation, but after hearing useful suggestions from you and going on gut instinct, I finally decided that now was the perfect time to redesign everything from the ground up.

For starters, I lightened things up quite a bit. Grays and light textures have replaced the original site’s oppressive blacks. In conjunction I implemented a new theme that makes accessing and reading blog posts much more natural and easier on the eyes. I then scrapped the old logo and implemented a new one (thanks Julia!) that coordinates perfectly with the website’s colors and style. I really like the improvement so far, and I hope you do as well.

But I’m not stopping there…

To top things off I decided to completely redo the Skyrim wallpaper section, add a Skyrim Fan Gallery, and include a section on how to mod the game (more on these changes in later). Quite honestly the entire process is turning out to be more work than I originally envisioned, but I believe the end results are far worth it, and will serve all of us well into the future.

More changes are in the works! Some big, and some little. So stick around, and tell me what you think.

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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Seelix Graftor
Seelix Graftor
11 years ago

Skyrim Fansite has never looked better. Nice job 🙂

Lord Scroll
Lord Scroll
Reply to  Seelix Graftor
11 years ago

Thanks Seelix. Glad you like it.

11 years ago

I always liked the old design but I admit that I like this one even better. Its easier to read and the graphics are bigger. I also like the new wallpaper site. More wallpapers please!

Lord Scroll
Lord Scroll
Reply to  Synthia
11 years ago

Hi Synthia,

Yes, the old design really was hard on the eyes when reading. I’m really pleased with this new theme — bigger, darker fonts on a light background. The prior theme was a freebie we modified, and it definitely had it’s limitations. We purchased the new theme, and I’m happy with the result. Money very well spent.

Thanks for your positive comments on the new wallpaper section, and stay tuned — my hope is that we become the largest repository of Skyrim wallpaper on the internet. It’ll take time, but new wallpapers will be uploaded weekly. Make sure to vote for your favorites!

11 years ago

Nice site bro! Me like.