Roger Seward has created three original Skyrim paintings that truly inspire our imaginations.
Greetings true sons and daughters of Skyrim! As you know, the Skyrim Fansite takes a great interest in supporting the wonderful community that keeps the spirit of Skyrim alive and robust. Not only gamers mind you, but writers, cosplayers, and artists as well. It’s the community of fans and creative individuals that makes Skyrim more than a game, but an experience to be shared and treasured. It’s the community that helps set Skyrim apart in the gaming echelon, helping to define it as one of the best games in a generation.
It’s in this spirit of community that I proudly present the original Skyrim art of Roger Seward. Roger is a brilliant painter from Houston, Texas who according to his Etsy profile is:
A happy artist making pictures for your eyeballs.
And oh what pictures they are!
Roger’s artwork is unique and moving — each picture telling a story within a story. Whether he’s painting the likeness of lemurs in the Houston Zoo or paying homage to Calvin & Hobbes and TinTin in an escapist landscape chock-full of fantasy and adventure, Roger paints with passion and purpose.
As captivating as Roger’s portfolio is, it’s his vision of Skyrim that first brought his work to my attention. According to Roger’s blog:
Video games profoundly affect my creativity. The quirky realms and the fantastic places in side-scrollers and world-wanderers provide massive enrichment for my visual library. I owe as much to the video games I have played, as I do to the books read, movies watched, and internet consumed when I paint.
It’s no surprise then that Skyrim would become a source of inspiration for Roger. As he turned his creative eye towards the vibrant city of Solitude, he created three original Skyrim paintings that truly inspire our imaginations.
In all three works of art, Roger paints in his own unique style, inviting the viewer to experience Solitude in a fresh, ingenious way. One look and we’re immediately captivated. As Roger explains:
Painting within the Skyrim realm is a unique task. The landscapes are well-defined and the imagery distinct. I opted to convey Skyrim with my own painterly style while holding true to the architecture, epic-scale, and color palette of the game. Skyrim ultimately thrives as a vibrant world due to its fans’ love and imaginations. These three paintings seek to provide a hint at activities and locations knowing that the true fan will create their own version of events.
To learn more about Roger Seward and his original Skyrim art, I encourage you to visit his website, as well as his Etsy store (all three original works are available for sale!). Not only can you view his amazing portfolio, Roger writes a fascinating blog that gives insight into his creative process. Roger can also be followed on social media on both Facebook and Twitter. Until next time fellow travelers!
Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.