Skyrim Song Lyrics: Song of the Dragonborn

Skyrim Song LyricsA video game’s soundtrack may not be at the top of everyone’s list when it comes to rating how good a particular title is (graphics and gameplay tend to trump music as a matter of course), but Skyrim’s soundtrack truly is remarkable and gives the game an epic vibe worthy of any blockbuster movie. Why is the soundtrack so good? Well for starters, composer Jeremy Soule led a full symphony orchestra to record over 50 tracks for the game (Soule is affectionately known as the “John Williams of video game music” and is responsible for the soundtracks of Morrowind, Oblivion, as well as a host of other video games and films). Skyrim’s main theme is sung by a choir of 30 singers, and is known as Dragonborn or Song of the Dragonborn. The Skyrim song lyrics were originally written in the Dragon language, but thankfully have been translated into the common tongue:

Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn,
To keep evil forever at bay!
And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph’s shout,
Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!

Hearken now, sons of snow, to an age, long ago,
And the tale, boldly told, of the one!
Who was kin to both wyrm, and the races of man,
With a power to rival the sun!

And the voice, he did wield, on that glorious field,
When great Tamriel shuddered with war!
Mighty Thu’um, like a blade, cut through enemies all,
As the Dragonborn issued his roar!

Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn,
To keep evil forever at bay!
And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph’s shout,
Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!

And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold,
That when brothers wage war come unfurled!
Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound,
With a hunger to swallow the world!

But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon’s lies,
Will be silenced forever and then!
Fair Skyrim will be free from foul Alduin’s maw!
Dragonborn be the savior of men!

Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn,
To keep evil forever at bay!
And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph’s shout,
Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!

Song of the Dragonborn (Original and Cover)

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Skyrim%20Main%20Theme%20-%20Piano%20Version”]

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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J.L. Archer
J.L. Archer
10 years ago

Do you know if there is any Dragon tongue covers for this song? I have Malukah’s cover, but I cannot find anything else besides recordings with poor sound quality and the actual original. Any thoughts?
Just while I’m here to not look so odd with only that question; has there ever been a glitch recorded where the Xbox 360 will simply not read the game above a certain level? I have gotten up into 48 and 49, and both times the game simply would not read. Once I deleted it, everything was fine, until I got up there again. I am pretty sure it is tied into the fact that I needed to get the disk fixed due to the console being jarred while I was on the game, but just checking.
Thanks. ^^

Rev. Maria Reeves
Rev. Maria Reeves
Reply to  J.L. Archer
3 years ago

Peter Hollen’s & Lindsey Stirling’s version is amazing.

Rev. Maria Reeves
Rev. Maria Reeves
Reply to  J.L. Archer
3 years ago

Skyrim Theme – Full (Dovahkiin Song) Peter Hollens – A cappella Style – YouTube Has the lyrics and translation while Peter Hollens is singing them.

6 years ago


Shawn L Warner
Shawn L Warner
5 years ago

The best cover i have found is here.