Sons of the Forest Cheats & Console Commands

Survival crafting is a genre that often encourages you to make your own fun. Whether by building a giant base, hunting mutants, or cutting down every tree on the island, Sons of the Forest can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. However, some of these activities might require more busy work than you’d like to engage in, or maybe you just want an army of Kelvins. For that sort of thing, there are console commands. In this guide, we’ll explain how to access the debug menu and provide a list of console commands for Sons of the Forest.

There are two methods of accessing the debug menu; one with a mod manager and one without. If you don’t intend on using any other mods, then you can simply type in “cheatstick” in the game to access the menu. The process for this is quite simple:

  1. Load up a game in Sons of the Forest.
  2. Accurately type in “cheatstick” (without the quotations).
    • Your character will move around and probably enter your inventory — this is normal.
  3. Press F1 and the dbug menu should populate.

Note: There are some reports of certain keyboard language settings not working for the “cheatstick” method. If this happens to you, try switching your keyboard language to US English or use the mod manager approach below.

As for the second method, you’ll first need to install a mod that grants access to the debug menu. The easiest way to do this is by first installing the Thunderstore Mod Manager. In the mod manager, search Sons of the Forest and select it, then click “Get Mods”, select the DebugConsole mod, then click “Download with dependencies”. Once that finishes, you can click “Modded” in the upper right of the mod manager to launch the game with the mod active.

Note: It’s a good idea to either do this on a new save, or else make a copy of your save folder before opening a save with mods active. You can find your saves here: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\LocalLow\Endnight\SonsOfTheForest\Saves

In game, all you have to do is press F1 — this will bring up the Debug Console, allowing you to type in commands. You’ll also see all the available commands below where you type in the commands. Some require additional text in order to function, so we’ll go over how some of the key ones work in the next section.

entire list console commands sons of the forest guide
It can be a bit overwhelming the first time you hit F1

When you initially press F1, you’ll be able to type commands into the prompt in the upper left. If you click somewhere on the screen, however, you won’t be in the prompt anymore. To type a command, or to close the console, you’ll need to first click where it says “load” next to the $> symbols in the upper left of the console. You can then type a command and hit enter, or press F1 again to exit the console.

We’ve tested quite a few of the promising-sounding console commands, and have listed the useful ones below (plus some we found interesting). When something is in [brackets], it means you type something where the brackets go — don’t include the actual brackets in your commands. For example, you’d type “aighostplayer on” or “aighostplayer off” to turn on or off that specific command.

Note: These commands may have unexpected and unpredictable results. We recommend using them on a new save, and/or making a copy of your save file before messing around in the console.

  • addallitems – Puts every item in your inventory, including the maximum carriable of things like sticks and rocks
  • additem [item] – Adds a specific item. Items seem to be one word, so you’d type”additem shotgun”, “additem flashlight”, “additem canopener”, etc
  • aighostplayer [on/off] – Makes you invisible to enemies when activated
  • buffstats – Fills your hunger/thirst/rest meters
  • cavelight [on/off] – Generates a bright light around the player while active
  • energyhack [on/off] – When active, actions cost no stamina
  • godmode [on/off] – Makes you invincible and prevents basic need meters from decaying
  • instantbookbuild [on/off] – Lets you build anything in the book instantly by selecting it (this only works in the classic build section, where you select prefab structures)
  • regen health – Sets your health to 100%
  • removeallitems – Removes everything from your inventory except the tools from the Emergency Pack, keycards, the repair tool, and the can opener
  • setplayerrace [1-6] – Changes your character’s skin tone
  • setstrengthlevel [X] – Sets your character’s strength level to the indicated number
  • showhud [on/off] – Turns the HUD on and off
  • speedyrun [on/off] – Makes sprinting incredibly fast (make sure you’ve got godmode on if you don’t want to fly off a mountain and die)
  • superjump [on/off] – Makes your jump very high
  • addcharacter robby [X] – Spawns X Kelvins in front of you (note that you must indicate a value of 1 or greater)
  • addvirginia – Spawns a Virginia in front of you
  • aianimspeed [X] – Changes AI animation speeds — you can put any number, including decimals, from 0 up.
  • aidisable [on] – Removes all AI characters in an unknown radius around you — off doesn’t seem to work, so don’t do this unless you’re sure you want to remove the AI around you, and possibly on the whole map, don’t use this command without saving your game first
  • aigodmode [on/off] – Turns god mode on and off for AI (companions and enemies)
  • aipause [on/off] – Freezes companions and enemies
  • aishowanims [on/off] – Shows AI animations (warning: this seems to make it impossible to re-open the console — cycling through the F-keys and retrying the console can help get it back, but try at your own risk)
  • aishowthoughts [on/off] – Shows AI thoughts (warning: this seems to make it impossible to re-open the console)
  • killradius [x] – Kills everything around you in the indicated radius
  • createlight – Spawns a bright light at the player’s location
  • forcerain [light/heavy/off] – Sets the rain level
  • gravity [X] – Changes the gravity. 0 appears to be standard, and negative numbers can also be used to bring yourself back down to earth if you go flying off.
  • locktimeofday [morning/noon/night] – Locks the time of day to the selected point
  • season [spring/summer/fall/winter] – Changes the season
  • settimeofday [1-24/morning/noon/night] – Changes the time of day
  • spawnobject [object] – Spawns an object in front of you
  • spawnworldobject [object] – Spawns an environmental object. So far we’ve only found tree, stick, and rock that work.
  • togglefpsdisplay – Turns the FPS counter on/off (this one also seems to break the console until you press all the F-keys a bunch, so you’re better off just using the Steam FPS counter)

Below, you’ll find all the available console commands in Sons of the Forest. Many of them do useful things, while some are clearly there for the developers to debug and test the game, and likely won’t do anything particularly interesting for most players.

Note that many of the commands in the list below likely require additional parameters like “on” or “off”, or a number — if you’ve discovered a use for one of the commands, please let us know in the comments!

  • addallbookpages
  • addallitems
  • addallstoryitems
  • addcharacter
  • additem
  • additemswithtag
  • addmemory
  • addprefab
  • addvirginia
  • aiangerlevel
  • aianimspeed
  • aiarmorlevel
  • aiarmortier
  • aidisable
  • aidodgetest
  • aidummy
  • aiforcestrafe
  • aighostplayer
  • aigodmode
  • aijumpdebug
  • aiknockdowndisable
  • aimemoryadjust
  • aipause
  • aipoolstats
  • airadar
  • airunworldevent
  • aishowanims
  • aishowdebug
  • aishowdebugcamera
  • aishoweventmemory
  • aishowhealth
  • aihownavgraph
  • aishowpaths
  • aishowplayerinfluences
  • aishowstats
  • aishowsurvivalstats
  • aishowthoughts
  • aistatadjust
  • aistructurelog
  • aitestsleep
  • aithought
  • aithoughtnocooldown
  • aivailstats
  • aiverboselog
  • aivillageclosest
  • aiworldeventstats
  • aizonestats
  • allowasync
  • ammohack
  • animallimitmult
  • animalsenabled
  • animstatesgui
  • anisoenabled
  • anisominmax
  • applydefaultmaterials
  • areashadow
  • astar
  • audio2dtest
  • audiodebug
  • audiodebugstates
  • audiodescription
  • audioparametert
  • audioplayevent
  • billboardenabled
  • billboardignorechanges
  • blockplayerfinaldeath
  • breakobjects
  • buffstats
  • buildermode
  • buildhack
  • cameradlss
  • camerafov
  • capsulemode
  • cavelight
  • characterlods
  • checkattachedentities
  • checkexitmenu
  • checkfrozenentities
  • clear
  • clearallsettings
  • clearaudioparameters
  • clearbushradius
  • clearmidactionflag
  • cloudenable
  • cloudfactor
  • cloudshadowsenable
  • combatteststart
  • count
  • countgowithlayer
  • countlinkedstructures
  • counttag
  • createlight
  • creepyvillage
  • crouchtoggle
  • damagedebug
  • damagefreeformstructure
  • deathcount
  • debugplayerhitlog
  • debugplayermelee
  • demomode
  • destroy
  • destroyfreeformstructure
  • destroyragdoll
  • destroywildcard
  • diagrenderers
  • diggingclear
  • disablecomponent
  • disablegameobjecttester
  • disablego
  • disablegowildcard
  • disablescene
  • disconnectplayer
  • disconnectplayers
  • dismemberradius
  • dumplobbyinfo
  • duplicateobject
  • dynamicresolutioncycletest
  • dynamicresolutionoverride
  • dynamicresolutiontarget
  • enablecheats
  • enablecollisionbasedkillbox
  • enablecomponent
  • enablego
  • enablescene
  • enablestructureghosts
  • energyhack
  • exportlinkedstructurestojson
  • exposuresetspeed
  • filteraudio
  • findobjectswithshader
  • firstlookforce
  • follow
  • followstop
  • footstepdebug
  • forcecloud
  • forcecloudprofile
  • forceplayerexpression
  • forcerain
  • forceremovetrees
  • freecamera
  • gainstrength
  • gameoverdelaytime
  • gamepaddeadzone
  • gamepadxsensitivity
  • gamepadysensitivity
  • gcollect
  • getgamemode
  • getlayerculldistance
  • godmode
  • goto
  • gotocoords
  • gotoforce
  • gototag
  • gotozone
  • grabsgeneratebuilt
  • gravity
  • greebledrockscollision
  • heallocalplayer
  • help
  • hideworldposfor
  • hitlocalplayer
  • igniteradius
  • importlinkedstructuresfromfile
  • inspectgo
  • instantbookbuild
  • instantrespawnhere
  • invertlook
  • invisible
  • joinsteamlobby
  • jumptimeofday
  • kickplayers
  • killlocalplayer
  • killradius
  • knockdownlocalplayer
  • lightninghittreechance
  • lightninghittreemustbeinfrontofplayer
  • lightninginterval
  • listachievements
  • listactiveentities
  • listdeathmarkers
  • listgowithlayer
  • listitems
  • listitemswithtags
  • listobjects
  • loaddebugconsolemod
  • loadmacros
  • loadplayer
  • loadscene
  • loadscenesingle
  • locktimeofday
  • loddebugbillboards
  • loddebugmaterials
  • loddebugranges
  • lodforce2ddistance
  • lodforce3ddistance
  • logging
  • loghack
  • logshowererrors
  • logshowinfo
  • logshownone
  • logshowwarnings
  • logtextures
  • logvirtual
  • mipmapsstreaming
  • mipmapstreamingbudget
  • mipmaps
  • netanimator
  • netskinnedbones
  • netspawnplayer
  • openmacrosfolder
  • outputsnappointstofile
  • physicsupdatetime
  • playcutscene
  • playdeathcutscene
  • playdeathmarker
  • playdeathmarkerindex
  • playeranimparams
  • playerdebugcamera
  • playerinterruptkeys
  • playernetanimator
  • playervisbility
  • playgameover
  • postprocessingcomponent
  • profilersample
  • profilersnapshot
  • qualitytexture
  • radiodebug
  • refillcontainers
  • refreshentities
  • regenhealth
  • removeallitems
  • removeallstoryitems
  • removedead
  • removeitem
  • removeliving
  • removeshader
  • renderspheres
  • replaceshader
  • reporterrorsnow
  • reportlogsnow
  • reportwarningsnow
  • resetachievement
  • resetallachievements
  • resetinputaxes
  • resetsettings
  • revivelocalplayer
  • robbycarry
  • robbyincutscenes
  • rumbletest
  • save
  • saveplayer
  • season
  • sendmessageto
  • setcurrentday
  • setdifficultymode
  • setexitedendgame
  • setgamemode
  • setgamesetupsetting
  • setgametimespeed
  • setinventorypercent
  • setlayerculldistance
  • setlookrotation
  • setopeningcrash
  • setplayerrace
  • setproperty
  • setsetting
  • setspeakermode
  • setstat
  • setstrengthlevel
  • settimeofday
  • setwindintensity
  • setworldobjectsstaterange
  • showactivelights
  • showbutterflyinfo
  • showcollisionobjectnames
  • showdebugzones
  • showfps
  • showhud
  • showinworldui
  • showmeshmaterialnames
  • showmeshobjectnames
  • showmeshtrianglecounts
  • showobjectlocation
  • showprojectiletrails
  • showstimuli
  • showtriggercollision
  • showui
  • showworldobjects
  • showworldposfor
  • slapchop
  • spawnedobjectstats
  • spawnfallingtree
  • spawnitem
  • spawnpickup
  • spawnrenderspheres
  • spawnworldobject
  • speedyrun
  • sprinttoggle
  • superjump
  • survival
  • targetframerate
  • terrainparallax
  • terrainpixelerror
  • terrainrender
  • terrainrendersimple
  • terraintess
  • terraintessdist
  • testeventmask
  • testingsamplefps
  • timeofdayconnectiondebug
  • timeofdaydebug
  • timescale
  • togglebeamdebug
  • togglefiredebug
  • togglefpsdisplay
  • togglego
  • togglegrabberdebug
  • togglegrabsfacedebug
  • toggleocclusionculling
  • toggleoverlay
  • toggleplayerstats
  • togglestructureresistancedebug
  • togglesuperstructureroomsvisualdebug
  • togglevsync
  • toggleworkscheduler
  • trailer3
  • treecutsimulatebolt
  • treefallcontactinfo
  • treeocclusionbonus
  • treeradius
  • treescutall
  • unloadscene
  • unloadunusedassets
  • unlockseason
  • userigidbodyrotation
  • veganmode
  • virginiagiveitem
  • virginiacutscenes
  • virginiasentiment
  • virginiavisit
  • vitalsshowdebug
  • vrfps
  • workscheduler
  • worldobjectenableall
  • wsscaling

We hope this guide on Sons of the Forest’s console was helpful! Please let us know if you’ve found any more useful commands by using the comments below.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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