Ask someone why they only have a couple hours played in Sons of the Forest, and it’s even odds that they tell you that the caves were simply too dark and too scary. Well, if there ever was an item for those people, it’s the flashlight. In this guide, we’ll show you exactly where and how you can snag Sons of the Forest’s flashlight, allowing you to light up the darkness without having to fill your weapon hand with a torch.
Where to Find the Flashlight
Like most of the useful equipment in Sons of the Forest, the flashlight is found on the western side of the island (1). It’s fairly easy to locate, as it’s marked by one of the three GPS locator icons you can see on your map — specifically, it’s the one closest to the mountain. If you’re approaching from the ocean rather than from the top of the mountain, you’ll need to follow the trail that leads around and up to the small cliff (2) — you’ll see why in the next section.
How to Get the Flashlight
Upon reaching the GPS locator, you might notice that it’s led you to a body hanging from the cliff by a rope — one that you can’t reach. To remedy this, make your way up to the top of the cliff the body is suspended from, and find the rock with a rope tied around it. Pull out the tactical axe, then use the axe to cut the rope. Make sure you also loot the other stuff near the rock, and then make your way back down to the bottom of the cliff. There, you’ll find the corpse you cut down. Grab the GPS locator, the other loot the corpse has, and finally the item you came here for, the flashlight!
How to Use the Flashlight
Like all weapons and tools, you can equip the flashlight by opening your inventory with / , then put your cursor on the flashlight (which is located just to the right of the crafting mat). Press / , and you’ll pull out the flashlight. From now on — and until you equip or use your lighter — pressing /will put away or pull out your flashlight, rather than your lighter. It’s also worth noting that the flashlight uses batteries, so unlike the lighter, it can’t be used indefinitely. The amount of power left in the batteries you have in the flashlight is visible on the flashlight’s handle.
Location of flashlight and batteries in inventoryCurrent battery level
We hope this guide on finding the flashlight in Sons of the Forest was useful! Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions by dropping us a line in the comments below.
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.