Starfield Spacesuits

More NASA than Mass Effect, Starfield’s Spacesuits are as functional as they look. In addition to being your main source of defensive stats and unique buffs, it’s also a key piece of protection from environmental dangers. Unlike many RPGs, where you equip items for your arms, legs, and chest separately, in Starfield the spacesuit covers your entire body; as such, it’s also your main source of swag when adventuring through the Settled Systems.

How to Equip Spacesuits

On Keyboard and mouse, pressing computer key i t opens the Inventory screen. On Controller, press button xbox pause, then use the left stick to select the lower right of the screen and hit playstation x button / button xbox a v2 to open your Inventory. In your Inventory, select the Spacesuits slot, and from there choose the suit you want to equip and press icon mouse left click v2/ playstation x button / button xbox a v2.

How to Hide Your Spacesuit

The spacesuits are pretty cool, but you might want to blend in at the settlements, where most people don more casual attire. To do so, go to the Spacesuits menu in the Inventory (as mentioned above), and then press computer key t t / button xbox rightbumper to hide your Spacesuit while in settlements. If you’ve done it correctly, your inventory will display “Show spacesuit in settlements”, as in the image below.

hide spacesuit in settlements starfield
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