Once inside the flat, head through the bead curtain and into the next room, where you’ll need to solve a puzzle to proceed.
Head through the now-open door near the bead curtain, where you’ll need to solve another puzzle to proceed.
After solving the puzzle, one of the bookcases will move and reveal a secret room. Head inside, and you’ll need to do some searching in order to progress. Once you’ve found what you’re looking for, you’ll need to do something with it…
After solving the puzzle, you’ll get another cutscene, in which you’ll meet your companion/translator/inventory management system, B-12. Once you finish your “conversation” with the drone, follow it over to the keys on the wall and then use the button prompted to have B-12 pick up the keys. Follow B-12 over to the other side of the room and he’ll put a little vest on you.
Walk back into the room where you solved the computer puzzle and you’ll be prompted to open your inventory — here you can see what you’re currently carrying and examine it more closely, should you need to do so. For now, close your inventory, and B-12 will let you know that you can show him or other characters items you’re carrying (this can be a useful way to get hints on what to do or where to go next). Walk over to the locked door and interact with the panel. This will automatically open your inventory — select the Keys and the door will open.
Head into the dark hallway and you’ll be shown how to use the drone’s flashlight. Activate it, and you’ll see that there’s a door at the end of the hall secured by a keypad.
Input the code into the keypad, then head through the door. You’ll find yourself back outside — hop into the nearby bucket and enjoy the ride. Once the bucket stops, hop out and head over to the colorful mural just ahead. A cutscene will play, and then you’ll earn your first Memory. Memories are collectibles that reveal more about B-12, and by extension the world of Stray. Turn right and continue past the mural, and you’ll soon find your path blocked by a chain link fence — do some kitty parkour to make your way around the fence and then head down towards the next bucket ride.
Once the bucket ride ends and you hop out, you’ll be attacked by Zurks, so immediately start running towards the white neon sign that’s shaped like a house. Jump up onto the pipe and make your way past the sign, and continue forward into The Slums!