Hogwarts Legacy

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Hogwarts Legacy Review – Wizardry in Stasis

There are many, many people who love Harry Potter. Who read all the books and watched all the movies growing up. People who adore the franchise, people for whom the Wizarding World means an incredible amount. And it is those…

hogwarts legacy e vase ive manoeuvre

E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

E-Vase-Ive Manoeuvre is an optional quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Althea Twiddle remembered a mysterious statue that her late husband would talk about. Supposedly, there was a puzzle involved with it that would unlock a magical challenge. Although she does not…

hogwarts legacy 'mer ky' depths

‘Mer-ky’ Depths – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

‘Mer-ky’ Depths is an optional quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Nerida Roberts wishes to be a liaison to the merpeople, and gave them a gift to try to start talking with them. There is a major issue in her plan, however…

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Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 2 – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

Madam Kogawa thinks you are ready to learn, Arresto Momentum, the slowing charm. This time, the spell actually does have some lore significance with flying, so it makes sense why she would teach you it. You’re probably wondering if you…

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Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 1 – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

Even your Flying Instructor, Madam Kogawa, has extra assignments for you. Travel around areas outside Hogwarts and pop balloons on your broom. After you have completed the tasks, learn the spell Glacius. It only makes sense that the Flying Instructor…

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Spells – Hogwarts Legacy

Since it’s set in the Harry Potter universe, spells are naturally going to be Hogwarts Legacy’s most prevalent and important game mechanic, whether the player is in combat, solving puzzles, or engaging in open world activities and mini-games. In this…