Hogwarts Legacy

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Hogwarts Legacy Review – Wizardry in Stasis

There are many, many people who love Harry Potter. Who read all the books and watched all the movies growing up. People who adore the franchise, people for whom the Wizarding World means an incredible amount. And it is those…

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The Helm of Urtkot – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

While you wait to learn about the next trial, there is information you should gather about Ranrok. And, lucky for you, you know someone who might have information: Lodgok, a goblin who might’ve once had ties to Ranrok’s rebellion. You…

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Hogwarts Legacy Wands

In case you are new to the universe in which Hogwarts Legacy is set, let’s review wands. Wands are used by most of the wizarding communities of the world. However, there are exceptions, like Natsai Onai‘s Uagadou-the largest wizarding school…

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Follow the Butterflies – Hogwarts Legacy Quest

Follow the Butterflies is an optional quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Clementine Willardsey noticed that a group of butterflies hang around near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and will fly into it when she approaches them. She desperately wants to…

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Wand Wood Types – Hogwarts Legacy

By far the most surprising aspect of a wand is its wood type. In Hogwarts Legacy, players can choose the type of wood, its flexibility, and its length. Like the other parts of the wand, this does not have an…

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Wand Handles – Hogwarts Legacy

The only part of a wand in Hogwarts Legacy that can be changed after selecting your wand is the wand handle. Players can find and collect up to 42 different wand handles throughout the game. As with all the other…

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Wand Cores – Hogwarts Legacy

The cores of wands are possibly their most interesting and well-known parts. In game, they do not affect a player’s stats or magic. However, they are an important aspect of feeling like a witch or wizard, and therefore important to…

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Prologue – Hogwarts Legacy Chapter

I’m sure you’re excited to get to Hogwarts! But first, you have to get there. But it might not be as easy a trip as you might expect. Prepare for danger as you begin your wizarding journey. The Prologue has…